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A cool startup script you can integrate into any shell! Whether it be the StarshipRS prompt, or the FISH interactive shell, it will work!
First of all, we need to download the file. Before we can do that, let's install Wget or cURL.
We will be using Wget.
$ sudo pacman -Sy wget
Once done, we can download the archive
$ wget
Let's extract the file. Before we can do that, we need to install Tar.
$ sudo pacman -S tar
And extract it using:
$ tar -xy hellosh-1.0.4.tar.gz
Let's start.
$ cd
$ ./
Select 1 to change the *Fetch client. In this guide, we will be using ScreenFetch as the installation script automatically installs it.
ScreenFetch is the default, however, you can use any *Fetch client: uwufetch, neofetch, etc.
Installing it is even easier. Just navigate to wherever your terminal configuration is saved, and copy the path.
Mine is saved in ~/.config/fish/ Yours will differ.
Now, open the menu, and select '2', then enter the location when prompted.
Instead of using '~', please use '/home/your_username'. You can get your username by running this command:
$ whoami
Let's say Katie is installing this. The result would be:
And Katie likes using the FISH shell. She would use the following path:
This will differ.
Now that you are done, close the terminal window, and open a new one.
And et voila! You will see a cool welcome screen.
Consider using the script with the 'ly' greeter, it will display the message upon start.